Saturday, July 4, 2009

My Second Half Marathon -Lodi

oh well, oh well, oh well........should i even call this one a run ...well never thought how no shades, less cheerleaders, flat track, little less drink booths though around all vines and 100 degree F temperature can make life little i whining... ofcourse i am , it wasn't one of my best experiences but i still tried my best as usual to run it down :-)

As always the pre-requisites were a good smile on my face, reaching at the venue before time...The venue this time was Woodbridge winery in Lodi and the "D" day was 17th May 2009.

i must confess that i had to walk in this run at lot of places because of the sheer heat and my mood that day ...well so what ...i tried...better next are the results :

Nothing can beat a good wine, good food after a run and i did enjoy that part in my complimentary wine glass ofcourse and meeting few of my fellow runners whom i truly enjoy.

as usual ...touched base with Janet, Karen, John, Debra, Scot, Tracy, Tony [man O man, what a energy, i think he was organizing this event and i must say he is a enthusiastic, energetic, tireless man]

Thanks all again and i am looking forward to join another training group with Janet/Karen on Aug 08, 2009 for my San Jose Rock n Roll scheduled in first week of october 2009.

cheers !!!

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