Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th Independence Day 2009

Well after a hot start of week with temperature going up in high 80's and 90's, today was just a

beautiful dawn and i got up for my share of sight at 5:30Am in morning to take part in "10K run for independence at Elk Grove Regional Park , Elk Grove, CA.

The park was lush green and really liked the spirit of people, got a flag themed T-shirt for the run and watched kids starting from age group of 3-6 to 10-13 doing there run's with all zest and enthusiasm trying to catch the chicken.

The chicken was ofcourse another volunteer runner and kids were supposed to do better than him to get steak dinner and other goodies besides usual prizes for first three participants in all age groups.

Must mention here that the volunteer lady host who was doing the talking and had the mike was simply escatic and great for keeping the kids excited....really nice.

At around 8:20Am and we were called [all adults] before the start line and we followed wordsof an ex-military man towards paying our due respect to veterans, all ex-military man and all current soldiers working for our country. This was followed by beautiful verses of national anthem again ensuring that "we are the country of the free and the land of the brave" , it just sat the right mood for my run along with my i-phone set to play some energy boosting bollywood numbers.

The elkgrove park is huge and we pretty much ran in the park and here are my timings :

After the run the booths were all set for music, different stalls..KP, food for hunger, running zone, mc donalds, chicken a filet (they had a a person dressed in cow and oh yes he was doing his job, ensuring every kid around there get a pic with him..nice isn't it) to name a few and ofcourse free food for us.

Nothing tastes better than cream cheese bagel, orange and apple after a 10K run and not having any breakfast in morning.

Anyways, after finishing my hunger , i strolled through stalls, exchanged wishes for independence day, smiles and sat for listening some good music, verses of bible and just feeling the spirit of independence.

untill i heard the verses of bible from singer for "salt and light" and it just made my day as it said that like salt without saltiness is nothing , like light without light.....and a christian is similarly nothing without being good to others, making a positive difference in society and it just sunk with me so well for good 10-15 minutes and felt that i should definitely make a difference in this world however possible.... [reminded myself again :-)]

of course the other numbers like sweet alabama were also nice.....and with all these thoughts i was back on 99 heading Sacramento to check an investment property, followed by buying some stuff before i ended up back at home and took a good afternoon nap.

To end the day in true spirit, i followed up to for my hometown fireworks event in Tracy high stadium, Tracy, CA..yeah thats where i live and love it totally :) [need i mention....the only city in sanjoqauin county to have fireworks, good job city folks for surplus budget in this economy and thanks to Brent Ives] to celebrate 4th of July, Independence day, 2009......"Happy Independence Day" every one !!!

cheers !!!

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